MadLegs Media creates the connection between your brand and your audience, then we multiply it, wrap it around your business objectives and nurture the spark to create a stampede. The 'how' is where the magic truly starts. Let us show you our tricks.
MadLegs Media creates the connection between your brand and your audience, then we multiply it, wrap it around your business objectives and nurture the spark to create a stampede. The 'how' is where the magic truly starts. Let us show you our tricks.
The bottom line, we help our clients get noticed, sell more stuff, reach new customers, expand, reduce costs or accomplish whatever it is they want to accomplish (apart from going to the moon—we haven't yet reached that far). Explore and see, we really do offer limitless capabilities.
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That's the MadLegs Media motto we proudly shout to define who we are and what we do. In short, we do whatever is required to help our clients grow faster, reach farther and make a bit of noise while doing so. We never stop. That's what we bring to each and every client on each and every project.
That's the MadLegs Media motto we proudly shout to define who we are and what we do. In short, we do whatever is required to help our clients grow faster, reach farther and make a bit of noise while doing so. We never stop. That's what we bring to each and every client on each and every project.
Our clients typically find us after the first glint of a new idea or when there's a pain. For both opportunities and challenges, along with every imaginable step in between, we offer solutions.
Scroll up to SERVICES to see a list of what we do, which includes everything from websites to videos, from logos to brochures, and from content to strategy (think specifics).
Scroll down to see SITUATIONS, which we treat more like projects because of their common themes (think broad like mergers, brand extension, transformational change and product launches).
Don't get bogged down in boring words or rigid classifications—we think big and deliver even bigger results, no matter what you call them.
Flip, forward, reverse or pause our situation gallery to learn more about what we can do for you.
Brilliant ideas need equally as brilliant hands to execute. From the idea to the brand identity, from the launch strategy to the sales strategy, and from one store to thousands, we love this process. Watch how we turn a few whispers into an icon.
You have the idea, the business case and the resources to do it, but how do you make an information-saturated target audience listen and better yet, buy? We'll create a flurry of contagious interest and translate it into loyal following.
Strategy is not a list of tasks and deadlines, it's the tactics you employ and the HOW you reach your goals. Effective strategies require keen understanding of where your business is, where it should be and the competitive forces that impact that journey. When millions are at stake along with the trust of your lifeblood, mistakes can be disastrous. Experience counts.
All marketing is digital these days. If it isn't available in seconds from anywhere in the world, whatever you have to say or sell will be missed. From an interactive website to an engaging social strategy, from email marketing to your online profile, all channels must be in perfect harmony, relevant and unique.
Want isn't enough. Changing from A4 to letter isn't enough. You need people on the ground who understand the country's culture as much as your brand's opportunity. We've taken brands from the US to the UK and back. We speak both languages and translate even better.
Beyond PowerPoint templates is the most critical aspect of every sales pitch: WHY. We will give you both — as a package to get you started or with every new pitch. Like all sales, boring doesn't work. Competition is fierce. Prospects want a bit of 'wow' instead of a flat list of your key strengths. They want interactive, they want a video, they want to touch, they want something different. We've got it covered.
Change can be a new board member, new partner or strategic shift, which can be met with glee or scepticism. We'll be the architect of the talking points, key messages and sales strategy to ensure your transformation is compelling.
Content is king, especially in this always on, always connected world. We will help you find your authentic voice, craft your key messages and develop your content strategy to ensure your story is heard and inspires your target to act.
Beyond a logo, colour palette or typeface, your brand communicates who you are, why you are different and why your audience should care. Ensure the first reaction to your brand gives the 'wow'' you want and establishes your unique brand promise.
We leave the finance to the investment bankers and instead craft the deal messages to your employees, shareholders, clients and public. We've been on both sides and even in between with a strategic alliance or two. We know how to be delicate and forceful, encouraging and empowering. Better yet, we can help you spot and evaluate potential targets because of our deep industry knowledge.
Optimise and minimise. You want to do more with less. We get it. Resources are limited as much as time and patience. We'll develop the most efficient and measurable sales strategies to ensure you have laser focus and know exactly where you are in the customer journey or product lifecycle or whatever is critical to the success of your business.
When you're losing clients, being swallowed up by competition or can't seem to make progress, a nudge won't do it. We'll put our banker glasses on, look at your entire company, at your competition, at the market and then devise a strategy to get you back to where you want to be. Sometimes necessary changes are revolutionary, other times they are more evolutionary.
If we've left you wondering where to start, look at our briefing document or better yet, call us.
What we do is simple—we help you promote and sell your product or service while ensuring your existing customers return and new ones discover you—but how we do it is far from simple. [Read more about our approach.] From start-ups to re-starts, and from mergers to acquisitions, we forage, engage and grow your brand, your vision and your audience based on strategic insight, competitive forces, industry trends and customer acquisition modelling.
Our experience spans industries as vast as luxury and beauty to investment banking and credit cards, covering the US, Europe and The Middle East. Some don't see the logical link or wonder if depth is sacrificed for breadth, but we know experience transfers across industries with ease, often creating opportunities some 'silo' thinkers miss. We have teams on the ground in London, New York and LA with more locations under consideration.
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We define marketing as a battle of perceptions more than products. It’s personal, measurable and waiting to be held. This is our starting point. It’s how we create, transform and elevate your brand to transcend functional benefits, becoming part of identity and influencing behaviour.
We define marketing as a battle of perceptions more than products. It’s personal, measurable and waiting to be held. This is our starting point. It’s how we create, transform and elevate your brand to transcend functional benefits, becoming part of identity and influencing behaviour.
Much of the work we do doesn’t fit nicely in a box with clear lines and easy-to-follow instructions. It’s the intangible bits that weave between a brand, content, positioning and sales strategy, creating connections with your target audience, raising brand awareness and influencing behaviour. Some people call these connections your brand personality or soul; we call these connections our lifeline because once we’ve tapped into this emotional space, we’ve struck gold and pushed your brand closer to becoming an icon.
“Many agencies will design just a logo or build just a website—they might even write a few words—but that’s not how we work. Just isn’t good enough. We want the whole brand, the whole experience, the whole story. We want everything.”
Just going 'digital' won't cut it, just publishing content won’t breakthrough and just trying different tactics won’t shift sales —at least no more than throwing darts blindfolded, hoping one will hit. But we know how to win. Our experience and knowledge helps you find your authentic brand voice, tell your story and share it through digital media to millions to encourage desired behaviour (whatever that desired behaviour is—from reading, to sharing, to buying, to shouting).
We delve into minds and extract desires and motivations. We scan the competitive landscape and watch as other brands compete aimlessly for mind space. Basically, we get inside your target audience's mind to learn how they think and then your competition’s mind to learn how they work. We translate these observations and our fact-based knowledge into a strategy for recognition, growth and loyalty. Then we implement the strategy, measure and refine as one becomes thousands and a legend is born. Read more about our exact method here.
We can’t promise you’ll become an icon, but we can promise that when your audience finds you (thanks to MadLegs Media and of course, a great product or service), they will greet you with glee, connect, remember you and return. We're certain because we know that the game is won by winning the mind. Emotion is how we play.
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If you can mix emotional engagement intangibles with a brand's product or service, then you've entered your target audience’s psyche where you will remain (even in an irrational state), allowing you to affect behaviour in predictable ways. MadLegs Media not only has emotional engagement capabilities at our core, but it’s also where we shine. Have a look.
If you can mix emotional engagement intangibles with a brand's product or service, then you've entered your target audience’s psyche where you will remain (even in an irrational state), allowing you to affect behaviour in predictable ways. MadLegs Media not only has emotional engagement capabilities at our core, but it’s also where we shine. Have a look.
This part is tricky. How do you value emotions? Do emotions actually influence behaviour? If so, then quantify it. How much of your marketing spend should be placed on emotions? The answers are ‘a lot’, ‘yes’, ‘we’re developing models to measure’ and ‘we’re developing models to measure’.
While emotions don’t fit inside traditional marketing plans with clear value calculations, they're the essence of brand equity, extending far beyond intangibles into behaviour-changing, sales-driving and business critical tools. We know with absolute certainty that the cost of not being present, delivering poor customer experiences and becoming irrelevant spell certain death for brands (and that these events happen on an emotional and often subconscious level).
Emotional connections can’t be over-manoeuvred because humans are inherently challenging creatures, full of contradictions, confirmation bias and selective memory. The human ego is also fundamentally fragile and complex, ready to shift without notice. And you thought this fluffy stuff would be easy. MadLegs Media can guide you.
“Creating buzz is easy, but creating an emotional attachment so strong that it defies logic is an art.”
Don’t read this page and think that targeting emotions is an excuse for sloppy, poorly-conceived products or services—it’s not. You must first start your journey to greatness by making the best product or service in the world. Aim for awe-inspiring, game-changing excellence. If you’re not first in the market, then change the market and own that one. Make your brand beautiful, distinctive and relevant. Make innovation part of your DNA—your brand’s survival depends on it—and build a strong brand foundation. Only then should you focus on emotional engagement.
MadLegs will guide you the entire way of your brand journey—from the personality and identity to the promise and story, and from launch to growth strategies and beyond. We're in for the long haul. Inject a little MadLegs into your brand.
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